Saturday, August 23, 2014

Chair Pocket Giveaway!!

In honor of my first student birthday of the year coming up and that I am as caught up as I'm going to get, I wanted to have a giveaway! You all have been so incredibly supportive of my ETSY shop and I wanted to do something little to show my gratitude. 
I have loved using the personalized chair pockets in my classroom. I'm also really excited about getting to use my birthday one.
This works just like a regular chair pocket, just special. 
I've made them for special  helper, author's chair and even my computer center.
I have options to create your own or choose your own words to personalize it for your classroom.

Here are some pictures of chair pockets offered:
Red Owl with Gray and White Polka Dots (1 Chair Pocket - You Pick the Wording)      Lime Green Owl with Gray and White Polka Dots (1 Chair Pocket - You Pick the Wording)
Tiger Chair Pocket Blue Chevron (1 Chair Pocket - You Pick the Wording)     Monkey Chair Pocket - Blue Chevron (1 Chair Pocket - You Pick the Wording)
Owl & Chevron Team Leader Chair Pocket (1 Chair Pocket)     Owl & Chevron  VIP Chair Pocket (1 Chair Pocket)     Owl & Chevron Special Helper Chair Pocket (1 Chair Pocket)
Elephant Chair Pocket (1 Chair Pocket - You Pick the Wording)     Zebra Chair Pocket (1 Chair Pocket - You Pick the Wording)
Apple with Gray and White Polka Dots Chair Pocket (1 Chair Pocket - You Pick the Wording)     Special Helper Zebra and Pink Chair Pocket (1 Chair Pocket)
Personalize Your Own Chair Pocket (1 Chair Pocket)
As you can tell, I've had a lot of fun with my embroidery machine!
But, enough about me, let's get on to the giveaway! 
I'm giving away one of my chair pockets - winner's choice! 
{Valued up to $7}
Be sure to SHARE about this giveaway! There will be an extra winner {valued up to $7} for every 100 entries!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Back to School BBQ Blog Hop

Hello friends! I'm teaming up with my blogging buddies to bring you the Back to School BBQ blog hop!

I'm here to bring you a fun recipe and a fun product to get back into school!

I'll be honest here, I LOVE to cook but I just don't have or make the time for it. I've read about crock pot meals and prepping all meals on Sunday to get ahead. It all looks great, but I know ME and I know I won't do it. 
So I found this:
Over 65 Back to School Recipes

These look to be about my speed and there are plenty of things to choose from. 

Now to get you ready for the beginning of the year!
 I LOVED using these last year. We discussed the morning message, brainstormed responses and then my kinders were set free to write and draw their response in their journals. I saw tremendous growth from doing this last year.  The August Morning Message bundle has 5 weeks of messages including a week for: All About Me, Colors with Brown Bear, The Kissing Hand, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, and Apples. 

You can click on the picture or the links to check it out in my store.

Make sure you enter below for a chance to win this bundle of morning messages!!
It's an easy entry, just pin the picture above or use the link given in the rafflecopter to repin!

Onto your next stop:
Kooky Kinders {Don't you just love that name?!}