Saturday, February 28, 2015

Why I Teach

Hello friends! I'm joining up with my K-2 buddies for a Why I Teach blog hop. 

I'm so glad to be a part of this group. Our little group has blessed me more than they realize. I really needed to sit down and remember why I wanted to be a teacher. I'm going to be honest, this year has been hard. Even with great admin support, a supportive K team, lots and lots of prayer and a supportive hubby, it has been really hard.

I know this to be totally true:
And, oh, how I've grown this year. 

And this is something that we teachers completely understand:

And it really helps when your grade level is a TEAM.

All that said, I LOVE my job. I know without a doubt God's plan for me is to teach!
I wanted to be a teacher to make a difference. Now that I'm in my 6th year, I see now that there is so much more to it.

I cheer my kinder babies on to do the best they can.

I celebrate each child's success, big or small.

I hug them and love them. They know that we're not just a class - we are family.

I live for those light bulb moments.

I am always amazed at their growth every year.

I have this hanging on my wall behind my computer:

So even when the day, month or even year seems hard, remember why you teach. You never know what each year may bring. And honestly, none of us chose teaching because it's easy. This is a hard job - physically, emotionally and mentally. But it IS worth it! 

I teach for all the little reasons. <3

Next up is Teacher Tam