This is the back of my cubbies. I have them set up for stations.
My reading corner.
My "Bravo" board to hang up awesome work.
Board for station groups and schedule.
Our meeting area. Love my purple rocking chair. So thankful my hubby painted it for me. It was a very dark green that didn't match anything.
More stations.
Computers and listening center.
My teaching table with my stuff behind it.
One of my 3 doors...these owls will have my kiddo's picutres on them after the first day.
How we go home and behavior chart from Really Good Stuff
View from the door.
I had to make a hallway in my room so students from the room beside me can easily go through my room to get to the bathroom and main building without distracting my little ones. I can just see a wild child running through during an evalution.Since taking the picutres I have acquired a chalkboard and purchased a fishtank it's the kind with a black light in it for GloFish. I'm pretty excited about it! :)
Have you ever used Donors Choose??? I have posted 2 projects to get a kidney table and an easel for my classroom. **Fingers crossed** I hope they will get funded!!
Clicking on the picture will take you to my project page. :)
And now for the *FREEBIE*! I love freebies! I found some great word work ideas while blog stalking and decided I needed some mats for them. The pictures are what I have made from the word work ideas.
If you choose to download it, please leave feedback! I hope you all can use it with your word work activities!!
Mrs. Lindsey