I am so excited to say that my little school raised $14,000 for Relay for Life this year!! It's exciting how much can be done when we all work together. The picture above is from survivor's lap during our Relay event we had Friday. That is a time for us to remember those who have passed with cancer and those who have fought cancer. It's awesome to have a principal who has such a wonderful vision for our school that far exceeds anything that I could even dream for our school.
This was a great 2nd to last day.
And that means tomorrow is our last day of school! I have no idea how it passed by so quickly!!
One thing that I like to give my students at the end of each year is a book of their writing. Each month I collect at least one writing sample, date stamp it and file it away. This really comes in hand during parent conferences to show growth and how the child is currently doing. At the end of the year, I print of my "Tales of Kindergarten" book cover on color paper, pull each child's writing samples and staple to create their book. I write their name on the front in Sharpie and place their picture on the front cover. They LOVE looking through their book and seeing how their writing has improved over the year {especially the ones who couldn't write their name at the beginning}.
Click on the picture or here to snag the book covers from my little TpT store for free. I have them for K, 1st and 2nd and a generic one.