Friday, February 21, 2014

Bright Math Ideas Blog Hop {with freebie!}

Hello friends! I'm joining in with my awesome blogger buddies to bring you the Bright Math Ideas Blog Hop!

Here is my non life-changing idea that may help you with decomposing numbers.

My partner teacher and I were planning our Math out for the next several weeks. We weren't exactly sure what to do for decomposing numbers. Our Math series has nothing, zip, nada on decomposing numbers. So we mapped out what we would want in a worksheet activity and I went a little wild with the creating: 
We felt that it was  important for the students to think in different ways and use different tools to help them along the way. There are 3 different levels for each number (this is the middle one) to help in differentiating (and it's on sale!). 

I love letting my kinders us 2 sided counters to figure out their problems. I have the foam ones noise! If you didn't get any with your wonderful Math series, Really Good Stuff has some and does probably any teacher supply store.
Two-Color Counters

 Now, I have a little freebie for you! You get to try out a decomposing number worksheet at all 3 levels. I'd love to know what you think and if this will help your kinders with decomposing! 
Just click on the picture to get it from Google Docs.

On to the next stop for another fun math idea...

This post is also linked up with:

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tooth Fairy Week {with freebies!}

Hello friends! We are finally ready to work on our Tooth Fairy/Dental Health unit. I'm so excited! I LOVE this one! Here's a little peek at what we are working on this week:

On the first day we are going to read "You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy?" and write in our Tooth Fairy booklets. I love this book for telling the "practical hard-working" side of the Tooth Fairy.

Then, on to another favorite, "Moose's Loose Tooth". This would be great for sequencing, however this year I'm using it for comprehension. After we read the book, we are going to graph who has and has not lost a tooth. Then I will reread the book and students will take a comprehension test on it. 

Our last book of the week will be "Tooth Trouble". After reading and discussing that the dentist is not so scary after all, we will write about what the main idea of the story is. Any time we write, we are highly encouraged to use a rubric in grading and checking mechanics. To makes things simple, the rubric on on the paper.

 You can snag this for FREE from my store by clicking here or on the picture. I usually run about 100 of these at a time and use my big binder clip on them. Then, I have them when we do our writing.
On Friday, my little ones will get to bring a stuffed animal to school. We will practice the art of brushing teeth with our construction paper toothbrushes and stuffed animals.
Below is a quick tutorial on how to make those toothbrushes. {This is from one of the awesome teachers on our K team.}

We will be working on a lot of activities from my Tooth Fairy {No Prep Writing} packet.
 AND you can get a little freebie when you click on it in my store and download the preview.
This is the little freebie that you can get when you download the preview. Just click on the picture to get there. :) 
Here are some more activities from this little packet:

Hope you all have an awesome week!!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Sunday, February 9, 2014

All Set for Valentine's Day {with a freebie!}

Hello friends! Shew, I have been busy getting everything ready for Valentine's Day! Students only have a 4 day week {only teachers go on Valentine's Day this year}AND they are calling for snow Monday and Tuesday. I guess we shall see how much Valentine's I can cram in to a few days!
To see any of these in my store, just click the picture. :) 

Here's what we have going on this week:
Of course, the Old Lady! We will be working on using sequencing to retell.

Then, one of my favorites, "Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse!". I've only been able to find the little board book. But, this book is totally adorable! With this book we will be focusing on my Mouse gave each of his friends a card.

My favorite pocket chart station! My students are working hard on building sentences. This helps them practice in a fun meaningful way. After we practice, they will read the emergent reader {to the right}. Then, I will pull them one on one to read the passage below. I mark words to work on if needed and stamp it homework. If the student does well reading it, I stamp it with "Awesome job reading! -Mrs. Lindsey". Either way they get to pick their favorite one and write it on the bottom. There they have the chance to get my "I *heart* your handwriting!" stamp. Whatever it takes to motivate! 

We will be using our Valentine's Morning Messages each morning for our journal time.

We will be using my Kindergarten Valentine Math Tubs for our beginning addition.
To practice skip counting
And to practice numerical order.

We will be using these to decorate our Valentine bags. In my kinder class, students will only write their name on the valentine on the "from" part. Students will have their decorated bag at their desk. Students, a few at a time, will walk around and place one valentine in each bag. PTL to the wonderful colleague who came up with this idea. This way students don't have to figure out which valentine goes where. 
For our bags, students will get to decorate a white paper lunch bag with hearts and stickers however they want to. We try to keep things simple back in the kindergarten building. ;)

I have a little Valentine's freebie for you! It is from my Kinder Valentine's Math Tubs . It will help your kiddos with numbers 1-10. Just click on the picture to snag it!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February Currently, Giveaway and Linky

Hello friends! I'm linking up with Farley for February's currently.

Listening - currently the Weather Channel is on. But honestly the tv is on most of the time for the dogs.
Loving - after I finish this post and get ready, the hubby and I are going to the park for a walk together! 
Thinking - I'm ready to go shopping, because after the walk we are hitting up the mall!
Wanting- to become besties with my treadmill. Seriously friends, it's time to lose some weight! The hubby and I have been working since December on losing weight. It's such a slow go! We have a bet going between us that whoever does the best with this gets extra $$ to spend on our vacation this summer.
Needing - to laminate my Vday math stations. I can't wait to use them!
2 truths and a fib - I have the most awesome hubby. {really I do!}
I'm ready to go back to school. {hmmm. kinda , but if we got more snow I wouldn't complain}
We were out the last 5 days. {We had a lot a snow!}

Now onto the giveaway! I just reorganized my little store by month using the custom categories. So, of course we have to try it out! I'm giving away a February item {$7 or less} to 2 lucky winners!  Use the rafflecopter to enter!

And now for the February linky! Link up an item from your store, a February product you just can't wait to use or a February blog post!

Link up a February item in your store, a February product you can't wait to use or a February blog post!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.