Friday, August 30, 2013

RTI {with freebies!}

Hello friends! Our school year has started. We have assessed and are ready to begin RTI. We've only been in school for 3 weeks, but shew...we have already covered a lot! As I was thinking about things I wanted to use for my RTI group, I did my best to keep it engaging. Our time for RTI is at the end of the day, so we will mostly be playing learning games to learn letters, sounds and sight words.
I decided to pull from these packets.

For both of these, their game board will be in a plastic sleeve protector. Students will pull a card when it is their turn (depending on the game it will be a word or a letter) we will decide as a group what it is and everyone will find it on their game board and trace. Once they get the hang of it, I'll make it more competitive. But, for now, we will ease into it. 

Here's what it will look like:

to try out a little freebie from both of these packs!!

What activities do you use for RTI? 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Math Tubs {All Ready to Start Teaching Numbers!}

Hello friends! I'm ready to start my math tubs! We don't do "traditional stations" anymore and whatever we do has to directly relate to the standard we are teaching that day. To be honest I'm having a hard time letting stations go, especially in math. I love seeing their hands on learning and the light bulbs that result in the hands on learning! But I do understand that everything must relate to the standard we are teaching that day and stations should have a purpose, not just busy work so you can work with a small group. All of my tubs this week directly relate to numbers 1-5.
So here is what I have come up with the the help of my fellow K teachers. We are doing math tubs. Right now we are teaching numbers 1-5, so everything in our tubs relate to numbers 1-5. I have split my kids into 2 groups (the high half and the low half). Half will go to a table and work with their partner on the tub while the other half is working with me on the rug. Then we will flip-flop.
I set my math tubs up for this week and here's what I got:
Using pattern blocks to make numbers.
(you can find these from
Connecting worm blocks with numbers.

 Close up of the cute worm blocks.
A coordinating number line to use as a reference. 
Roll the die and record your number. 
 BTW - sheet protectors work great as dry erase boards and hot glueing pom poms on dry erase markers work great as erasers!
Snap cubes - build it 
10 frames and playdoh 
And here is where they are all stored (I have 3 reading ones too, I'll post about them later)

These can all be done independently and I think they will be great extra practice but not busy work. I decided not to differentiate since that will be done when they are with me for their lessson.
How do you do your math stations to fit what is expected of you and to best meet the needs of your students? I love to hear about them!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back To School! {Sale and Linky!!}

Hello friends! Have you started back to school yet? I have survived my first whole week! Woohoo! I have a class full of sweeties this year AND I have my first ever student teacher. 

Well I'm sure you have heard, but just in case Teachers Pay Teachers is having their Back to School Sale!!! You can get a total of 28% off of your purchases. Don't forget to use your feedback credits, too!

Here are some items that will help you get through the year. 

I have LOVED using these morning messages. I used the all about me ones this past week and it was such a great way to get to know my students!
Anyway, these morning messages are thematic. Each theme lasts a week. Most have a "graphable" question and they can easily be used with journals.
You can get the bundle or the messages individually by week or quarter. 
You save a lot when you get the bundle ( it works out to like 30 cents a week!). 

If you like the "Old Lady" books, here is the bundle of all 11 literacy mini packs for these books. I love using these to help my kinders with ordinal numbers and sequencing. 
You can get each one individually or save a bunch and get the bundle (it's like getting half of them for free!)

Just click on the pictures to see them in my store! 

If you have already started back, I hope you have had a great start! If you are still in summer mode, cherish those last precious days!

Below you can find the linky. Feel free to link up anything from your store for back to school!

Link up anything from your store for back to school!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Something New Sunday {linky}

Hello friends! It's time for something new Sunday! You can link up a new blog post or new product in your store!

My activity for this week is for my sensory table. If you don't have or want a table, you can always use a tub or these can even work in a pocket chart. As I begin to work on letters with my kinders I will add these to my sensory table.
Students can use this different ways by matching up uppercase, lowercase and 3 pictures with that beginning sound.
I put a magnet on the back of my cards so students can put them on the dry erase board beside the table.
Be sure to link up with something new you have going on!

Link up something new! It can either be a blog post or new product in your store!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, August 9, 2013

First Day Fun!! {and mini giveaway!}

Hello friends! Today was my 1st day with my kinders! I must say that we had an absolute blast! I finally got to try out my morning messages and it was so much fun. It was a great way to get to know more about my little friends. First I read the message to them.
Each one (it's staggered schedule so it was only 1/3 of my class) told me about their favorite game to play and where it was played. Then they came up one at a time and graphed their answer.
After they put the magnetic square on either inside or outside we counted and compared. I LOVE it!
This was fun to do especially since I knew we would spend the majority of the day testing.
You can find my morning messages here:
After I finish All About Me, we are going to be doing the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom morning messages....I can't wait!
What are your favorite activities for the beginning of the year?
NOW....for the mini the link below to see ALL the morning messages. Leave a comment with your email and the name of the message set you would like to win {the individual ones, not any of the bundles}. Tomorrow at 5pm EST a random winner will be chosen and emailed that morning message!
I had my hubby pick a number and he said 8. So, the eighth comment gets the prize and that goes to Cherie Mae! Check your email Cherie Mae!! :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ready for Registration! {with a freebie!}

Hello friends! My kiddos register tomorrow!! Yikes!! How did summer fly by this fast?!?! I am very excited about meeting them. When I see them tomorrow, they will be coming in to register and get their staggered schedules and TONS of info! This year they will also get a little treat!

I'm sure you've seen this on Pinterest, but the one I found didn't have a link that worked. So, I created my own! I've uploaded it to my Google Drive so you can have it too!
Click HERE to snag this freebie!
What do you do on registration day?

Teaching Heart Blog


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Something New Sunday {linky}

Hello friends! It's time for Something New Sunday! Be sure to link up at the bottom with something new in your store or a new blog post! I love going back and seeing all the awesomeness linked up!

I'm excited to get started with my morning messages.
 I go back this week. Our registration in Wednesday! I can't believe how quickly summer passed me by! I will be using this during our first week back:

Friday, August 2, 2013

Birthdays Are in the Bag!

Hello friends! How do you do birthdays in the classroom? Normally, it hits me that morning and I have to rush around to get everything ready for that kiddo. Well, not this year! I have a basket under my desk and I am ready for the birthdays!
{the caddy can be found at the Dollar Tree}
Each student on their birthday (or half birthday if they have a summer bday) will get a birthday card, Airhead with balloon attached and birthday hat to wear. After I get my list of kids, I'll go ahead and get all of the cards ready and in order.
BTW - the birthday hats were only $3 at Michaels!
I got this freebie from What the Teacher Wants
I'm going to send our birthday bag home with the birthday kid and they will write about their birthday wish!
So, how do you celebrate birthdays in the classroom?
Oh and Mrs. D has featured me today on her blog! Isn't she so sweet?! She's doing a feature every Friday. Totally worth checking out and following her while you're there!
feature button.png

AND, this week I received my items from CafePress!
I absolutely love what the shirt says!!

Here are some other things you can get from CafePress {especially fun if you are planning a party!}
1st Birthday Invitations
Farm Animals Kids Birthday Invitations
Retirement Invitations
Funny Birthday Invites
Keep calm and eat a cupcake 5.5 x 7.5 Flat Cards
Holiday Invitations
Classic Invite Grey custom invitation card