Saturday, June 29, 2013


I'm linking up with Farley for July's currently.
I was listening to the refrigerator ding...however the hubby brought me a Dr. Pepper, so it's all good.
I'm loving that our beach trip is getting closer!! We're going to the beach we got married on last summer. I can't wait!
I'm thinking that a snack would be awesome right now.
I'm wanting to take our bulldog, Tank, with us to the beach. He's our baby, but I don't think he'd be able to take the heat.
Here's the cutie pie! He really likes car rides.
I'm needing a sensory table. I've been eyeing this one from Really Good Stuff. It's not technically a sensory table, but it looks perfect.

And for the last part, Let all that you do be done in love. I Corinthians 16:14 I have this up in my classroom, it's one of my favorites.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Accountable Talk, Morning Messages and a Quickie Giveaway!

Hello friends! I had my first common core training this month {kinda sad it was the first one}. This training was for Common Core Math and was fairly informative. The big thing was accountable talk. While I was in my inservice, I was brainstorming ideas to practice accountable talk. You know in kindergarten it takes TONS of practice. So, here's my plan...I'm going to use my morning messages to get learning conversations started and practice accountable talk. I *hope* it will be fun practice for my kidlets. I created 49 weeks worth of thematic morning messages (already prettied up because I know I don't have time for that in the morning). Just click on the picture to check it out! Since it's new, it will be 50% off for the rest of the week!!
To be accommodating, I also have them available in 3 month bundles and individually. Here are my 2 favorites: (they are half off too!!)
 Just click on the picture to check them out!
And the Bats Morning Message is a forever freebie, just to give you a taste of what the other 48 weeks look like!
Let the learning conversations begin!
NOW...on to the giveaway.... I am going to give the entire year bundle away to two of my awesomely cool followers. All you have to do is leave a comment with your email (in case you win). Saturday night I'll have the hubby pick TWO random numbers and voila we will have TWO winners!
The hubby picked numbers 7 and 14, so Christine and Melissa check your emails for some morning message fun! Thank you all for following! <3
BTW, in case you haven't heard about Google reader going bye-bye, be sure to follow with Bloglovin' on the top right!

Friday, June 14, 2013

So Much to Share and a Fun Freebie Linky

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Hello friends! My goodness, it seems like summer is flying by way too fast already! My first thing to share are these really cool stamps that I got in the mail yesterday. I've spent a lot of time on Pinterest and I came across some personalized stamps pinned by 2 Crazy Texas Teachers.
2 Crazy Texas Teachers
If you don't follow this blog, check it out! Anyway, seeing their awesome stamps, I went on to VistaPrint and had to order my own. I got the small ones (I'm cheap) and when I order more (you know it's going to happen) I will get the bigger size. And while you're there get your free business cards. I plan on using mine during open house.
 A little blurry...

Here is a auntie proud moment...My nephew attended art camp for a week. He is an awesome artist who is always drawing something Batman. Here he is with his awards and masks he created. LOVE that kiddo!
I've recently added my FB button to my blog. In my little store, I've been adding Thematic Morning Messages. I've tried to add 2 each day. BUT, on their first day in my store they are FREE! If you follow me on Facebook, you'll get a little notification when a new one is posted.
 Here is my freebie. It's the only morning message that is a forever freebie.
Now on to the linky!! Today's linky is a freebie linky. Feel free to link up a new or favorite freebie!

Link up an awesome freebie!

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Morning Messages {Trying Something New and a Freebie for You!}

Hello friends! I love doing a morning message. I've seen so many cute ones on pinterest. But honestly, I know that I can't do the cutesy ones everyday, or most days...ok really I might have one cute one a year. Mine are what I can quickly write down on my easel.'s my plan: I'm creating morning messages now for themes that I know I will be working on during the school year. Then, when that week comes I already have my messages premade and ready to go. To go along with it I am going to rig up a whole class graphing system similar to this:
Anywho...I've gotten started on my morning messages. I've completed it for community helpers and watermelon. They are uploaded to TpT and ready to go. They are free for only today and then will go up to $2. I would love to hear your feedback on them and if you think they would be useful!! Just click on the picture to download.

 And don't forget about the giveaway in the post below! You could win Old Lady activities for the whole year!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Old Lady All Year Long! {and a giveaway you don't want to miss!!}

Hello friends! I have just completed and uploaded a literacy mini pack for all of the Old Lady books! Shew, that was an undertaking, but my kiddos {big puffy heart} LOVE these books and I do too! I got to use the Jan-May packets with my kinders this year and we had a blast. Now that they are all finished I can't wait to use them with the kinders I'll have this coming year!

Click on the picture to check them out!
The individual packets and the bundle are all on sale for 20% off to celebrate!
And it wouldn't be a celebration if I didn't give one away!
Enter below with rafflecopter for a chance to win the whole bundle!
The giveaway is over.
Congratulations Jane A.!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Currently

I'm linking up with Farley for June Currently.
If you read my last post,  you would know that we had a yard sale this past week. Not my favorite thing in the world to have a my house. I guess the worst part is the strangers trying to peer into our garage (my hubby is very territorial over his tools and project truck) and trying to pet the dogs in the backyard. Seriously, one year a guy tried to buy the grill of my back porch!
However, the yard sale money is burning a hole in my pocket and I have REALLY been wanting to buy those colorful fiesta canisters for my kitchen. But for some reason I just can't bring myself to spend close to $200 on canisters, so I'm just hanging on to the money until I have a weak moment.
I need to paint my kitchen and the living room, foyer, hallway and the downstairs could use paint, too. I have all of these wonderful ideas, I just have to get it in gear and get painting.
I'm so ready for our vacay! Last summer we got married on the beach and this summer we are going back to that same beach (St. Augustine, Florida) for our anniversary. I can't wait!!
Don't forget about the favorites linky in the post below! Be sure to check it out, some pretty cool things have been linked up!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Favorites Linky

Hello friends! I am one week into summer break and I'm already wiped out! In this week, the hubby and I drove to Ohio (400 miles away) to visit my mamaw for Memorial Day weekend. We came back, had a couple of days to unpack and get things back to normal before our yard sale started Thursday. We had the yard sale for 3 whole LONG days. I don't know if you do a yard sale in the summer, but man they wear me out! Still not sure whether they are worth having, but I did get rid of some of my *junk*.

Whether you are already out for summer or in the home stretch, I hope you will join me for my favorites linky.

Here's what you can link up:

*Your favorite item from your store (a tried and true you love to use or a new one you are excited to use)

*Your favorite item that you have bought from TPT or TN this school year. (I know I buy way more that I would like to admit to the hubby...)

*Your favorite blog post from this school year.

Link up all or some. Happy June 1st!!

Link up your favorite item in your store, favorite item you have bought for this school year and/or your favorite blog post from this school year.

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